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Welcoming all men. I'd encourage you to invest the time in disconnecting from the busyness of the daily grind and getaway with us for a night, both nights or just for Saturday. This annual retreat has been the highlight for many men as it refreshes and re-energises us for the second half of the year to be better men, husbands and fathers. 

  • This is a free BYO everything event.
  • We have spare camp gear available for use.
  • All Centrepoint Men's events are alcohol free events 


  • Arrive anytime from 2pm
  • Setup, relax, unwind, catchup!
  • Cook dinner around campfire


  • Cook brekky around campfire
  • Electives
    - Kenilworth Bakery
    - Waterfall Hike
    - Target Practice
    - 4WD track
  • Dinner - Combined meat feast


  • Cook brekky
  • Short message around campfire
  • Electives - Make it back for church if you like

Please register below so we know that you're coming and to keep an eye out for you. Thanks very much and we look forward to seeing you there! Regiter via the button or via this link:

For more info, please download the "MEN'S CAMP 24" info brocher below or contact Dave Morgan on 0457183820.